Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 72

Well it was an uneventful weekend, but today we woke up and left the house around 6 or 6:30 to make sure we were first in line at the Embassy to try to get Elliott's Visa today. I showed up and there were people that were there waiting, but they were all sitting down in the chairs waiting for the Embassy to open. I just waited right in front of the door and as soon as they opened I was inside and the first one to talk to the consular.
He had everything already, he had Elliott's pictures and everything. So he looked over the court order and told me everything was good and that I could come back tomorrow at 8 am and the Visa will be ready. We are so relieved because we are not guessing as to when I will be home we now know that I will be home on Wednesday. The excitement is great, I will be flying out of here on Tuesday at 11pm (that is noon Tuesday in California) and then getting into LA at 3:30 in the afternoon on Wednesday. Aaron got the tickets all squared away today so we are all set. It has been a long journey but I know that it will all be over soon, then comes the fun task of raising Elliott.
So we went shopping today and then back to the house. It has been the longest day of my life, I am so ready to leave here. I will only be sending out one more update from Uganda and then it will be an update from California letting everyone know that we are back safe and sound.
On that note we will are looking at doing a welcome home party on Saturday at Freedom Park from 11 to 1. I know you are all excited to see Elliott so rather then try to get everyone we figured it would be easiest to do a party at the park. I will be sending out an e-vite so look for that.
So we are now back at the baby house and it is almost dinner time and Elliott is throwing a fit. He wants the third banana and I will not let him have it as dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. He is just laying on the ground grunting and moaning. This is one of his fits when he doesn't get his way right away. I have been allowing him to throw then, and they are getting less and less. So he has crawled over to me and is making sure I realize he is throwing a fit. No doubt about it, he is definitely a toddler.

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