Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 65

Ok so still don’t have written ruling in hand…but I have the orders saying we are his legal guardians…so tomorrow morning we will stop by and see if judge is back in office and will sign the papers …then go to embassy if not Iam still going to embassy and my lawyer said to tell them he will deliver the paper when signed Iam praying it is all done in morning before appointment at embassy…I am also beliving I can get visa before the office closes down on Thursday before the is suppose to take three to five days but they have does it faster…so Elliott it doing great other then throwing fits instead of talking ...he understands so that part is good but frustrating …but the bonding is going well ….he was starting to talk and kinda stopped so who knows…he kept saying airplane yesterday so he can he just maybe is still confused …he has been exposed to over five languages…He is loving the one on one time though …I am just so done and stressing for no reason over this last step the visa…I still allow myself to freak out because of past…every step God has shown himself so strong there is no way this is a Tiffany thing I just keep telling myself that God is in control…so no matter how it goes tomorrow I know it is Gods best…bottom line I just need this guy to tell me yes!! Which is no doubt other then my stinking flesh trying to get the best of me..I soo miss every one and will never take relationships for granted again…no one really should do life alone!! This has made me rely on God more but he gave us relationships for a reason… so pray for God best tomorrow…I want to come home now!!!! Ok I know that sounds so desperate …but it is the truth …love you all

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